Pour Over vs Drip Coffee: Breaking Down the Buzzworthy Battle

Dialed Java Nov 13, 2023
5 People Read
pour over coffee

Welcome! If you've ever found yourself gazing at the vast array of coffee brewing methods, chances are the showdown between pour over and drip coffee caught your attention. In the ever-evolving world of coffee, these two methods stand out as distinct champions in the daily quest for that perfect cup. We're about to spill the beans on everything pour over vs drip coffee! We're diving into the nitty-gritty of what makes them tick – from water ratios to the step-by-step on brewing each cup to all the details in between.


Whether you're a seasoned coffee enthusiast or a curious newcomer, our aim is to equip you with the knowledge and skills to discern the subtleties that make pour over and drip coffee truly exceptional. So, buckle up, pour yourself a fresh cup, and join us as we navigate the aromatic landscapes of pour over vs drip coffee. Let's dive in and explore the world of these two brews.

 drip coffee maker and carafe

What is Drip Coffee?

Drip coffee is like the laid-back rockstar of the coffee world. It is by far the most common method of brew in today’s age. Drip coffee is very simple, which aids in its popularity. You’ve got your favorite drip coffee maker, or if you’re in the market for one feel free to check out today's 10 best drip coffee makers. This is not an article dedicated to how to make drip coffee but in a nutshell, toss a handful of your favorite ground coffee into a paper filter, fill the reservoir with water and let the machine do its job. As water cascades over the coffee grounds, it extracts all those rich flavors, creating a brew that's both bold and familiar – the kind that hugs your taste buds just right. The paper filter? It's like the coffee's wingman, catching any rogue grounds and ensuring your cup is as smooth as can be. So, in a nutshell, drip coffee is your go-to for an easy, no-fuss morning ritual. It's the reliable friend you can count on for that perfect, consistent cup, day in and day out.


Drip Coffee Ratio
Drip coffee ratio is the proportion of ground coffee to water used in the brewing process. It's typically expressed as a ratio, such as 1:15, meaning one part coffee to 15 parts water. This ratio influences the strength and flavor of the coffee, with a higher ratio producing a stronger brew. Adjusting the ratio allows for customization, catering to individual preferences for a milder or bolder cup of drip coffee. If you want to get precise there are several ways to accurately measure this:

  1. Scale: Weigh your coffee grounds and water using a kitchen scale. For example, for a 1:15 ratio, measure 30 grams of coffee for 450 grams of water.

  2. Coffee Scoop: If you don't have a scale, a standard coffee scoop is roughly equivalent to two tablespoons. For a 1:15 ratio, use one scoop of coffee for every 15 tablespoons of water.

  3. Measuring Cup: Use a measuring cup to gauge both the coffee grounds and water. For instance, for a 1:15 ratio, you might measure 1/4 cup of coffee for every 3.75 cups of water.


Drip Coffee Grind Size

Drip coffee grind size typically calls for a medium grind. This grind size allows for an optimal extraction during the brewing process, striking a balance between too fine, which can lead to over-extraction, and too coarse, which may result in under-extraction. The right grind size ensures that the water interacts with the coffee grounds effectively, producing a flavorful and well-balanced cup of drip coffee.

 cup of coffee with latte art

What is Pour Over Coffee?

Now let’s talk pour over coffee. To keep it simple there are so many similarities between the two. For pour over coffee, grab a quality pour over coffee filter, pop it in your pour over gadget, and sprinkle in a precise amount of ground coffee. Pour over is a lot more hands on, and here's where the artistry kicks in: you pour hot water over those coffee grounds slowly and deliberately. The paper filter plays the role of the silent hero, letting the liquid through while trapping any sneaky grounds. What emerges is a brew that captures the nuanced flavors of your chosen beans.


Pour Over Coffee Ratio

The pour over coffee ratio is virtually the same as drip coffee ratio. Follow the same guidelines as mentioned above for drip coffee. Remember, both of these methods are purely based on personal preference. Trial and error and adjust as you go.


Pour Over Grind Size

Pour over grind size is crucial for achieving the right balance in flavor and extraction during the brewing process. It's generally medium to medium-fine, resembling coarse sand. The correct pour over grind size, tailored to the specific pour over method used, ensures an optimal extraction, allowing you to savor the nuanced and aromatic notes in your cup of coffee.


Pour Over vs Drip Coffee

So, what gives? They sound like the same thing. Well, the difference lands on how hands on you want to be and how much control you want during the process. If you are after a simple solution just to get the job done and get out the door with a little pick me up then drip coffee is for you. But if you are willing to put a little more time and effort into your brew process then there is a lot of benefit you can get out of a pour over method.

Pour over coffee offers a heightened level of control over the brewing process compared to drip coffee. In a pour over setup, you have the ability to precisely regulate factors such as water temperature, pouring rate, and the distribution of water over the coffee grounds. Pour over allows the ability to bloom your coffee grounds. Blooming in pour over is the initial wetting of coffee grounds, releasing carbon dioxide gases. This brief step, occurring in the first 30 seconds, ensures a cleaner and more vibrant extraction by allowing the coffee to degas before the full pour. This hands-on approach allows for a more nuanced extraction, influencing the flavor profile of the final brew. In contrast, drip coffee makers, while convenient, operate on a pre-programmed system, providing less flexibility in adjusting variables during the brewing process. The pour over method empowers the brewer to tailor each cup to their preferences, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a more personalized and refined coffee experience.



In the grand duel between pour over and drip coffee, it's clear that these brewing methods, despite their differences, share a fundamental kinship. The choice between them ultimately boils down to personal preference. If you're the grab-and-go type, seeking a reliable, consistent cup every morning without too much fuss, drip coffee is your steadfast companion. Leaning this way? Check out our Drip Coffee Maker Buying Guide. On the flip side, pour over beckons to those who relish the hands-on approach, offering a canvas for experimentation and control over every nuance of the brew.

Whether you're drawn to the laid-back ease of drip or the artisanal finesse of pour over, the beauty lies in the fact that you can't go wrong with either. Both methods promise a comforting ritual, a familiar sip that kickstarts your day. So, whether you're in pursuit of a quick caffeine fix or a more contemplative coffee experience, embrace the versatility these brewing methods offer. In the end, it's your coffee journey, your preferences, and your perfect cup that matters most. Cheers to the world of endless coffee possibilities!